Jewelry Manufacturers in China – The Complete Guide

29 Apr.,2024


Jewelry Manufacturers in China – The Complete Guide

In this post, we’re going to show you about jewelry manufacturers in China that get:

For more jewelrymanufacturerschinainformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

  • Everything you should know with jewelry manufacturers
  • Place your jewelry orders
  • Ship your jewelry
  • Tips for jewelry manufacturers in China

Let’s dive right in.

Chapter 1: Jewelry Manufacturers in China Basics

What are Jewelry manufacturers in China?

China has a very long history in jewelry. There are many China jewelry suppliers. They have very good jewelry working skills. Besides, they have many raw materials. So they can produce a lot of jewelry.
Chinese jewelry suppliers produce a lot of jewelry. This brings a lot of chances for many foreign importers. They buy jewelry from China. Then they sell this jewelry in their own country. This brings them profits.
Chinese jewelry caters to people’s need for fashion. Now, jewelry has become a popular product. Many people wear jewelry every day. Chinese jewelry offers a large number of goods to the world jewelry market.
If you come to China, you can easily find a jewelry factory. There are many China jewelry wholesale manufacturers in Qingdao, Yiwu, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Most of China’s jewelry comes from these cities.

Why is Jewelry manufacturers in China important?

For many importers, importing jewelry from China is a very wise choice. Importing jewelry from China has many advantages. There are four main reasons. The specific reasons are as follows:

1. Chinese jewelry is cheap
The cost of jewelry mainly comes from two aspects. Raw materials and working skills. The raw materials of jewelry are very common in China. The working skill of Chinese jewelry is also very good.
Besides, labor costs in China are very cheap. So, the price of jewelry is very cheap in China. In fact, for most countries, the price of jewelry in China is quite cheap.

2. There are many jewelry manufacturers in China
There are many wholesale jewelry supplies China. This means China can produce a lot of jewelry. So, there are many jewelry manufacturers in China to choose from. As long as you want to import jewelry from China.
At the same time, competition in the Chinese jewelry market is very much. Competition often happens between these factories. That will also lead to lower market prices. This is a very good chance for importers.

3. The jewelry is easy to shipping
Compared with most goods, jewelry is more fit for import. Due to jewelry being small in size and light in weight. So they will not have high shipping costs.
Jewelry can be shipped by sea, land, air, etc. If you want to import jewelry from China, you can choose many shipping ways. And any of them will not cost too much.

4. China’s policy supports the export of jewelry
For jewelry, China does not charge export duties. And China encourages the export of jewelry. This policy also saves a lot of money for buyers and sellers.
Export duties are borne by Chinese sellers. Now, the seller does not need to pay this part of the cost. So the price of the goods will be reduced. This is a good thing for buyers.

How can you do better in importing jewelry from China?

How to better import jewelry from China? The key thing is price and quality. Do a good job in terms of price and quality. You can do better in importing China’s jewelry.

  • First, you need to choose a good jewelry manufacturers in China. A good China jewelry wholesale manufacturer can help you reach your goals. Later in this article, I will tell you how to choose a good jewelry supplier.
  • Secondly, you need to consider the quality of the goods. You need to know this detail about the jewelry you buy. What materials do they use? Will they fade? Are they easy to break?
  • Then, you need to compare prices. Try to choose cheaper suppliers for the same quality. To view the supplier website as much as possible. At least 10 or more.
  • Finally, on the freight. You’d better figure out the shipping cost yourself. The weight of the jewelry is very light. So you don’t need to spend a lot of money on shipping.

Chapter 2: Something you need to make sure before importing jewelry from China

There are a few more basic things. You need to know these things before importing from China to the USA.

For some commodities, China prohibits exports. Want to know the specific products? You can browse the List of prohibited export goods for more details.
Sure, your licensed customs broker can tell you if your products are legal to import.
For jewelry, don’t worry. It is legal to import jewelry from China. Of course, you must purchase it through legal channels. Moreover, you need to follow a formal process.

Make sure buyer or seller is responsible for shipping costs

You or the seller may be responsible for shipping costs and risks. Depending on the terms of trade followed. Jewelry is a lightweight and high-value product. So, under normal conditions, the seller will bear the freight.

Make sure the product information is true and clear

Make sure you have all the correct and accurate details about the imported goods. It is illegal to provide incorrect information about a shipment to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Make sure you comply with proper customs procedures

Your licensed customs broker can help you complete all customs formalities and comply with all regulations. But you better know the steps to import jewelry from China. There are eight main steps.

  • The cargo arrives at the port
  • Pay the freight and change the order at the shipping agency
  • Inspection declaration, customs declaration, and declared price
  • Customs price review and tax bill
  • Pay taxes
  • Customs inspection
  • Release the goods
  • Pick up the goods and deliver them to the designated place.

Chapter 3: Key steps before placing orders to Import jewelry from China

How to choose a China jewelry shopping platform?

The main Chinese wholesale shopping websites now are four. The four wholesale websites are as follows.

Alibaba (top jewelry manufacturers in china website)

Alibaba is currently the largest e-commerce company in the world. There are many items to choose from at At, you can find a lot of Chinese jewelry suppliers.
At, jewelry belongs to jewelry and eyewear. In jewelry, it is divided into many small types. You can find any jewelry you want here.

AliExpress (costume jewelry manufacturers China)

All suppliers of Aliexpress are from China. It is a platform for jewelry manufacturers in China. They can sell products to customers all over the world. In Aliexpress, you can find many jewelry styles and jewelry manufacturers in China.
At, jewelry belongs to Jewelry & Accessories. Here you can find all kinds of jewelry. And there is no limit to the number of purchases.

DHgate (jewelry manufacturers in China)

Dhgate is the first B2B online trading platform in China. It only aims at small and medium-sized companies. Its goods are not as many as Alibaba and AliExpress. But his products are more refined.
At, jewelry has its special category. DHgate divides the jewelry types into details. This way you can find the goods you need fastly and easily.


PFHOO platform only offers wholesale fashion wear. It sells fashion jewelry such as rings, necklaces, earrings, and rings. What is more, this is a wholesale jewelry website.
At, a lot of hot-selling jewelry is sold here. You can buy them at a very low price. But PHFOO is a Chinese website. So you may need translation software.

How to compare prices efficiently?

Comparing prices makes sense when the quality of the products is the same. While the brands and stores are different.
The following four methods can help you compare prices better and faster.

  • 1. Use price comparison shopping engines and discount shopping websites. These China jewelry websites can help you find the best deals online.
  • 2. Conduct online research before buying a product.
  • 3. Visit at least three websites before making your purchase decision.
  • 4. Use Amazon and google to compare the prices of products.

How to find good jewelry manufacturers in China?

1. Check jewelry manufacturers in china company background

When you decide to import jewelry from China, it is very important to choose a good supplier. A good jewelry manufacturer in China is a key point for your import.
First, you need to check your suppliers’ company background. The more you know about them, the less risk you face. You can find the company details by searching the company name and other ways.

2. Check their certificate

Second, you need to check the certificate. The certificate is the basis of quality. Do not choose a China jewelry wholesale manufacturer who hasn’t a certificate. This will bring a lot of trouble to your import process.

3. View the supplier’s review

You can search the supplier’s website. Browse the comments left by their customers. Through these comments, you can judge whether the China jewelry supplier should be selected.

4. Ask about the scale

If you can, you’d better ask the supplier’s factory scale. The large scale of the factory is better for you. Large scale means this jewelry manufacturer in China has a very good working line. And they have been working for a long time.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit big earrings wholesale.

Chapter 4: Arrange to ship goods after the order is placed

Prepare ahead of time for possible delays.

The goods will not ship or arrive as you expected. It is very possible. For example, suppliers may not be able to finish production on time. Ships may not leave on time.
Even if your cargo is completed in the factory. Do not expect they would leave the port on time. Because it needs at least 1-2 days for your cargo transport from the factory to the port.
So, you need to prepare ahead of time for possible delays.

Choose a good freight forwarder partner.

A good logistics partner can help you save a lot of time and cost. They can help you deal with various emergencies during transportation. And they can ensure smooth operations, manageable costs, and continuous cash flow.

Choose suitable shipping.

For jewelry, there are many logistics methods to choose from. At present, there are three main logistics methods. EMS, International express, and freight line.

EMS International Express is also called EMS. It is an express service company for import and export business in China. It can track the shipping details at any time.
EMS has domestic and international business. For exporting, EMS is the most used shipping ways. Enter the weight and place of the product. Then you can find out the shipping cost.

There are many international expresses. Such as UPS, FedEx, DHL, TNT, etc. Their advantage has two points. They have many global shops and fast shipping.
Of course, they can also figure out the freight ahead of time. Besides, they are always offered by shipping companies.

The freight line is the service offered by the freight company. It is a freight company that uses its trucks or airplanes to ship goods. The advantage is fast. Lots of goods can be shipped at one time.
The freight line can offer customs declaration services. And it only takes 5-7 days. Of course, the cost is also higher. The freight line offered is different in the country. You need to ask them ahead of time.
The suitable shipping mode mainly depends on three reasons. First of all, the volume and weight of goods have a great impact. Secondly, the time when you want the goods to arrive. Finally, your freight cost budget.

Chapter 5: The costs of importing jewelry from China

Shipping costs

Shipping costs may be the duty of the buyer or the seller. This depends on you and your best china jewelry manufacturers. For most areas, china jewelry wholesale manufacturers offer free shipping services.
Of course, some China jewelry suppliers require buyers to solve shipping problems. You can contact the logistics company to help you deal with it. They tend to be more good at it.

Warehouse, Inspection, and Port of Entry Fees. 

Products imported from China need to be inspected when crossing the border. Depending on the product, the fees caused by these inspections may add unexpected costs.

Customs Broker Fees. 

Customs declaration is a necessary step in the import process. If you have no experience in importing, it is best to find a customs broker.
Working with a qualified customs broker can help speed up the import process. They can ensure you have paid all fees and obtain permits. And they can help clear your goods for importation.

Agent Fees. 

When importing from China, customs agents may inspect your goods. Sometimes, this will add fees. You can pay these fees when your goods arrive at the port. After paying, you can get your goods into your warehouse or location.

Import Duties

Every item has the HST code. The HST code of jewelry is 4202. For jewelry under 8 cents per, the USA does not charge import taxes.
If you want to know more details, you can click the official website.

Chapter 6: Track your cargo after shipping

General delivery time

The transportation of goods can be fast or slow. It depends on the logistics method you choose. The freight line is generally the fastest. Freight line by air is the most expensive.

Track the logistics details of your goods

After the goods are dispatched, you need to pay attention to their transportation. Make sure your goods are being transported normally. There are three websites to query logistics details.

Pick up your goods in time

You need to keep an eye on logistics details. Upon the arrival of the goods, pick them in time. Before that, you need to prepare some documents. For example bill of lading and invoice. You can call the local customs.
After receiving, we suggest you inform your seller. Send an email to your supply. Inform them you have received the order. In this way, you have completed this business.

Chapter 7: Tips for importing jewelry from China

Choose the best China jewelry manufacturer

If your supplier is not trusted, he may issue false or incorrect certification to you. This can result in your goods being held at customs.
This also will cause you shipping troubles and other costs. Other costs include storage fees and delay fees. A worse result: the port may detain your goods and ban them.

Sign a firm sales contract

Drafting a sales agreement is very important for import. In this agreement, all attributes should be clear. And product specifications and return conditions must be attached.

Choose FOB trade terms

We recommend choosing to trade under Incoterms FOB (Free On Board) as much as possible. FOB can protect the buyer to the greatest extent and reduce the buyer’s losses.

Keep in mind times

When you are finding a best China jewelry manufacturer, time is a key factor for a successful business. We always recommend that you plan transport from China at least three months ahead of time.

Keep the GRI in mind

Because the doubt every month has a new GRI. So we suggest that you speak with their consultants as early as possible. This can help you obtain rates with the lowest GRI earlier. And this helps guarantee prices in the medium term.

Check the jewelry after receiving the goods

The quality of jewelry varies. You can check the quality of jewelry from the following four aspects. Check the brightness of the jewelry. Check the color of the jewelry. Check the gloss of the jewelry. Test the feel of jewelry.


We hope this guide showed enough information for you how to work with jewelry manufacturers in China.
And now we’d like to hear what you have to say:
What kind of jewelry manufacturers you are working with?
Which platform do you get them?
Please free let us know by leaving a quick comment below right now.

News - 10 Tips of Import Jewelry from China

Jewelry is a hot selling category in China's export commodities. The reason is that the jewelry is low cost, high value, small size, easy to transport, and so on. Especially the Chinese jewelry style is novel, the quality is good, so it is favored by various sellers.

Many clients mentioned to us that the jewelry field is very potential, but they have lack experience in import jewelry from china, so that they have encountered a lot of problems. For example, where can wholesale the best China jewelery, how to find the best China jewelry suppliers.

As a Chinese sourcing agent with many years of experience, tody we will introduce the effective information about how to import jewelry from China. You can find all the answers you need in this article.

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